
Here are some ways to connect:

– Get plugged into a Community Group. Click here to learn more!

– Attend a Men’s Event or Retreat which happens twice per year

– Participate in a Bible Study

– Volunteer and get to know new folks

Want more information? Feel free to reach out to the staff to discuss additional opportunities!

And be sure to meet new friends by participating in our frequent potluck lunches & brunch bite Sundays!

Men’s Monday Bros, Brews, and Bible

Day/Time: First and Third Mondays from 6:30-8:30pm

We gather to spend time in God’s word and be honest with one another around the question: how are you really doing? Contact Greg Schneeberger for this week’s venue at

Men’s Group Study on the Book of Romans

Day/Time: Tuesdays, 11:30-1:00 pm

Location: Christ Church Santa Fe

No RSVP needed, just show up! Bring your own lunch.

Men’s Saturday Group

Date/Time: Every other Saturday 8-9:30 am in Coyote room

A men’s small group to discover how the gospel helps us conquer the past and live in the victory of Christ. Contact Glyn Jones at