
At Christ Church Santa Fe we encourage women to connect – to share their faith, their fun, and their lives.



There are many ways to connect:

– Attend a Women’s Event or Retreat

– Attend a Bible Study

– Join an “affinity group”: Prayer Shawl Knitters, Communion Bread bakers, Chorale, Culinary Crew, Womens Networking Group, etc.

– Volunteer and really get to know the women with whom you work!

Want more information? Feel free to reach out to the staff to discuss additional opportunities!



And be sure to meet new women by participating in our frequent potluck lunches & brunch bite Sundays!

Women’s Bible Study on 1 Peter

Day/Time: Wednesdays, 9:30-11:00am (Starting February 5th)

1 Peter: A Living Hope in Christ by Jen Wilkin –  Our inheritance through Christ is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading. In 1 Peter, a man of faith and flaws and eyewitness to the life of Christ challenges us to look beyond our current circumstances to a future inheritance.


He shares his concerns on big picture issues for the early church, describes believers’ true identity in Christ, and ultimately helps readers discover what it means to experience the Living Hope they have in Christ. Key themes of humility, submission, and identity in Christ guide the study of 1 Peter as participants are challenged to read the book in its entirety each week. Contact Jennifer Brenner jennifer@christchurchsantafe.org to sign up.

Womens Ministry Volunteers

We want you! We are looking for women, of all ages, with a heart for Jesus, and a desire for connection, to help with planning our ladies’ events. It’s a lot of fun! We anticipate holding two events annually and you can be a part of planning them. If this piques your interest, or for more information, contact Sylvia at sylviasims@christchurchsantafe.org or the church office.

Communion Bread Bakers

Help bake bread for Communion, it’s a simple recipe and a fun way to meet new people in our kitchen! If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact ccsfoffice@christchurchsantafe.org.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Day/Time: Wednesdays 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Join our team of needle workers! Help create shawls for those needing the comfort of a special gift that has been blessed and prayed about. Click here for more information. Contact the church office at (505)-982-8817 to get involved!

Culinary Team Volunteer

Cooking not required for every event. To make events such as the potlucks run smoothly, we need helpers. You may volunteer for one or many events, as your schedule allows. Contact Mari at ccsfculinary@outlook.com or the church office. Why not give it a whirl?