Sundays Live 10:00am

And Online Livestream

Office Closed MLK Day

1213 Don Gaspar Avenue (At Cordova Road)

Santa Fe, NM 87505

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Christ Church Santa Fe


We walk with the people of Santa Fe so that together we will deeply believe and share the Gospel of Jesus and be an ever-growing faithful presence to the city and beyond.

Find Out More…

  • ...About Our Church

    A message from Pastor John Standridge.

  • ...About Christianity

    God’s plan is to save His people from their sins—and to bring His people fully and finally to Himself (Matt. 1:21; 2 Tim. 2:10)

  • ...About Our Children and Youth

    A message from Jennifer Brenner, our Children and Youth Director.

What’s Happening at Christ Church Santa Fe


Sunday Service Livestream Links

Follow the Links to watch this Sunday’s Service…

CLICK HERE for the service.

CLICK HERE for the PDF of the Sunday bulletin.

CLICK HERE for the Gospel Journey episode for the Children.

CLICK HERE for the Foundations episode for the Youth.

Also, for parents with young children, the nursery is open at 8:30am!

Sunday Morning Studies

Date/Time: Sundays at 8:45 – 9:45 am.

Christ In the New Testament: Savoring Jesus in the Last Twenty-seven Books of the Bible – Please join us for an in-depth and interactive study of God’s Word, and practical application of the gospel to our lives  Using The Bible Project videos, we will explore the unfolding story of God’s redemptive plan in Jesus Christ as revealed in the New Testament. Come and join us for this rich and stimulating study!. Meet us at 8:45 am in the Chapel Atrium.  This study is led by our  Pastors.


“Identity and Purpose” based on Genesis 1-3 (for 7-12th graders)  led by Rebecca Healy, Kit Standridge, and Stephanie Weiss in the Blackbird Room. Snacks included!

From Genesis to Revelation Bible Survey (for children ages 4 to 6th grade) – The G2R Bible Survey explores the what, where, and when of God’s revelation. This prepares students to delve deeper into the why and how through the lens of the covenant—God’s promise that “He is our God and we are His people.” Join us in the Coyote Classroom for this terrific study led by Dianne Howes.

Community Groups

Looking for a way to get to know folks in the CCSF community, grow in your faith, and connect with your neighbors in Santa Fe? Then you should join a community group! We have groups that meet across the city (and a little beyond!) throughout the week, so there is no shortage of opportunity to plug in. Pick up a brochure with the group contacts and check out the map locations of the groups in the CCSF Plaza.

Sign Up for Our Weekly Happenings and Daily Devotionals!

Keep up with new updates, activities, and happenings at CCSF!

we invite you to join us in a 1 year (3 chapters per day) Bible Reading Challenge. The goal of this opportunity is above all to hear the voice of God in his word and joyfully grow into a deeper relationship with the Lord Jesus. Below are the scripture readings for this week. These will also be incorporated into our daily devotionals.


Brunch Bites

Date/Time: Sunday, January 19th, after the Service

Please join us for refreshments and fellowship as we welcome our newest members of Christ Church Santa Fe and celebrate God’s faithfulness in sustaining, growing, and leading the church as we enter this New Year. All are welcome!

Movie Night: The Milagro Beanfield War

Day/Time: Friday, January 24th at 6:30pm

Join us in the Sagrado Theater for a showing of The Milagro Beanfield War. This movie was directed by Robert Redford and filmed in and around Truchas and Santa Fe, NM. The story captures the social challenges and quirkiness of life within the ancient tiny New Mexico villages found dotted throughout the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. We’ll provide a brief introduction to the film and then allow time for discussion afterward for anyone who wants to stick around. Child care will NOT be provided.

The Chorale

Day/Time: Two Mondays a Month from 6:00-7:45pm

Calling all singers! If you love to sing and worship the Lord, you are welcome to join! Contact the church office for more info.

Mom’s Morning Out

Day/Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:15-12:15pm

Location: Christ Church Santa Fe

For children ages 1-5yrs, $30 per child per day with a one time $25 registration fee. Monthly payment due the first Thursday of each month.


We provide:
·  A safe and happy place for children so parents can accomplish activities on their own
·  Competent and loving caregivers
·  An opportunity for growth and enrichment for the little ones
·  A healthy place for children to build social & interpersonal skills
·  Fun activities including story time, lessons, coloring & games
Space is limited. Please contact Jennifer Brenner at  for more information.

Men’s Group Study on the Book of Romans

Day/Time: Tuesdays, 11:30-1:00 pm

Location: Christ Church Santa Fe

No RSVP needed, just show up! Bring your own lunch.

Women’s Bible Study on 1 Peter

Day/Time: Wednesdays, 9:30-11:00am (Starting February 5th)

1 Peter: A Living Hope in Christ by Jen Wilkin –  Our inheritance through Christ is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading. In 1 Peter, a man of faith and flaws and eyewitness to the life of Christ challenges us to look beyond our current circumstances to a future inheritance.


He shares his concerns on big picture issues for the early church, describes believers’ true identity in Christ, and ultimately helps readers discover what it means to experience the Living Hope they have in Christ. Key themes of humility, submission, and identity in Christ guide the study of 1 Peter as participants are challenged to read the book in its entirety each week. Contact Jennifer Brenner to sign up.

Wednesday Morning Prayer Meeting

Day/Time: Wednesdays, 7:30 – 9:00 am

Location: In the Plaza/Entrance at Christ Church Santa Fe


“I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” ― Martin Luther

Too busy to pray? Too frantic to pray? Too early to pray? Then consider joining us for our Midweek Morning Prayer Meeting to spend time praising God, praying for Christ Church Santa Fe, and praying for the gospel to advance in Santa Fe and beyond. It’s a come and go event, so come for all or part of the time. 

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Day/Time: Wednesdays 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Join our team of needle workers! Help create shawls for those needing the comfort of a special gift that has been blessed and prayed about. Click here for more information. Contact the church office at (505)-982-8817 to get involved!

Sandwich Making For Those in Need

Date/Time: Wednesdays 9:30am – 11:00am

Where: Main Kitchen.

Contact: Joni Brenneisen at

(RESUMING 2/6/25) F3 (Fun, Food, and Follow Jesus)

Day/Time: Thursdays, 5:00-7:00pm

F3 (Fun, Food, and Follow Jesus) has an exciting new line up of activities for kids birth through 12th grade! This is a weekly free and fun night of dinner, games, art class, and book clubs. Also known as parents’ date night!

Meet our Community

Church Family Spotlight

Read more Stories from our Community…

Christ Church Santa Fe

A Faithful Presence in our Community

Totals for 2023


Lunches Made


Dinners Prepared


Pairs of Shoes Donated

Find out how to help those in need in our community.

All Welcome:

Saints, Sinners, & Skeptics